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Stone Line Items

  • To add stone, clicked on Add Stone or press s. A popup is opened, It looks like a search screen and a user can search for the stone by its name, quality, shape and its dimension details (height, width and length).

  • After entering the neccesary data for stone, click on update and the editor of stone is opened.
  • In the editor a user needs to fill Price Type, Tax field, Quantity, Unit Price, Discount, Reference Number, Description. Quantity can be in pc or ct based on the item selected.
  • If the tax is selected from its drop down it will calculate the amount to be paid by the user. If a item has a discount its amount is calculated in the final paid amount.
  • The selling price is automatically calculated based on Unit Price and its discount.

erp-manual/cloud/transaction/line-item/stone-editor.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/20 05:20 by krishnad