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Line Items

Overview of Line Items

  • Line Items is mostly used in transaction module. It is used to add the item for which the record is been created. It is used to link the item module with the transaction module

General Interaction

  • To add line Item, click on Add Item or press (i). When Click on Add Item a popup will open. In which any item is added and confirmed.
  • Click on Add to add the item. Here, Item Id, Item Code, Item name, Item Status, Quantity and Item Details are seen.
  • Item ID is clickable i.e., when it is clicked it will navigate to Item Module and show Item Details.
  • After selecting the Item, confirm the item by clicking on Confirm or Press Ctrl + s.
  • Item Details are seen with its Name, Code and Id. For Adding the Quantity for the item, click on Edit. To remove the item click on Delete.

  • To edit the line items, click on edit and a popup will open. There are 2 types of popup which can be opened: With Cost and Without Cost. The popup will open as per the configuration of that screen.
  • When placed the cursor on the particular item necessary links related to the item appears on the screen near item details.
  • Links may differ as per the configuration on that screen.

Without Cost

  • Once the editor of line item is opened, the Item ID is displayed on the top and also its image is displayed.
  • In the editor a user needs to fill the quantity, reference no and description. Quantity is already filled to 1 if a user needs to add more quantity a user can changed it.

With Cost

  • Once the editor of line item is opened, the Item ID is displayed on the top and also its channel is displayed.
  • In the editor a user needs to fill Price Type, Tax field, Quantity, Unit Price, Discount, Reference Number, Description. Unit Price will be filled automatically as a user selects the item.
  • Channel means by which means has the user bought that item. If the tax is selected from its drop down it will calculate the amount to be paid by the user. If a item has a discount its amount is calculated in the final paid amount.
  • The selling price is automatically calculated based on Unit Price, its tax and its discount.

Special Editor for 3 Categories

Except General Editor which was explained above. Their are 3 special kinds of editor, They are as follows:

erp-manual/cloud/transaction/line-item.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/20 05:20 by krishnad