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Sales Module User Manual

This section of the manual will train you to execute sales and inventory operation for finished goods, covering following screens:

Screen Purpose
Design Inventory Actions Shop can use this screen to search for stock and to execute rapid actions for transfer and sales.
Transfers: This requires Transfer Out screen and Transfer In screen Transfer from Head office to Shops and vice versa or between Shops. This is a 2 steps transfer process involving Source Location → Transit → Destination Location
Sales Order Sales screen is a powerful screen to record a complete sales transaction starting from Sales → Collection → Dispatch → Invoicing, from a single screen
Collection System provides a rapid 1 click collection from Sales screen for normal scenario.

This specialised screen is to search for past Collection, and also to handle more complex scenarios like: A) Customer is paying for multiple sales order together. B) Sales is in different currency, but collection is in another currency. C) There are multiple open sales order and user want to clear payment of sales order in a given sequence.
Dispatch System provides a rapid 1 click delivery from Sales screen for normal scenario.

This specialised screen is to search for past dispatches, and also to handle more complex scenarios like: A) Send only some item from Sales order, send other items later. B) Join multiple sales order into a single dispatch.
Sales Invoice System provides a rapid 1 click invoicing from Sales screen for 2 scenarios:
A) Deposit Invoice B) Single Itemised Invoice against a single sales order.

This specialised screen is to search past invoices, and also to handle more complex scenarios like:
A) Split single sales order into multiple invoices.
B) Join multiple sales order into a single invoices.
C) Mix and multiple sales order into multiple invoices (eg: 2 items from order A and 1 item from order B into first Invoice and 3 items from order A and 2 item from order B into second Invoice
Customer Management System provides direct facility to add new customer from Sales order screen.

This specialised screen is to have more granular control over data captured for Customers. From this screen:
A) View complete sales history and outstanding for the customer.
B) Add contacts and addresses in addition to the default ones.
C) Tax related information, personal information like anniversary dates, nationality, gender, customer image.
D)Export data to excel
Link Special Scenario
Advance Scenarios for sales Invoice In this section different ways to create Sales Invoice are listed:
- Create one Invoice for multiple SO for all items
- Create one Invoice for multiple SO for selected items
erp-manual/cloud/sales.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/29 10:15 by Varun Nagrecha