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Translations of this page:


Create New Location


  • Click on Location Menu and then click on Create New button

Components of Location

  • Header
  • Save Document

Step 1: Click edit Header. System will open a popup to edit the information of the header. following information can be added:

  • Location Name: Provide the name of the location.
  • Location Code: Provide the location code.
  • Nick Name: Provide the nick name for the currency.
  • Address: Provide the address of the location.
  • Parent Location: Select the parent location of the location, if required.
  • Location Type: Select the location type.
  • Location Group: Select the location group.
  • Location Country: Select the location country.
  • Sales Order BG: Select the Sales Order Budget Code for the location.
  • Sales Order CC: Select the Sales Order Cost Center for the location.
  • Sales Invoice BG: Select the Sales Invoice Budget Code for the location.
  • Sales Invoice CC: Select the Sales Invoice Cost Center for the location.
  • Credit Note BG: Select the Credit Note Budget Code for the location.
  • Credit Note CC: Select the Credit Note Cost Center for the location.
  • Is External ?: Set this Toggle button to true if the location is outside of the company.
  • Is Storage ?: Set this toggle button to true if the location is storage location.

Step 2: After the information that is required is keyed in, click on the Confirm button to close the popup.

Save the Document

After all changes are done, it is necessary to Save the Document, by clicking the button “Save Document”, If this is new Document, system will assign the Document ID and Code after it is saved for the first time.

erp-manual/cloud/settings/location.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 05:56 by Varun Nagrecha