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Return SF


When you need to return a part of the product and not the finished product, Return SF can be used.

Return SF

  • Click on Return SF button. A popup is opened.


  • Return SF Output shows the list of semi finished outputs available for return.
  • Set the quantity you want to return in the Return Quantity field. You can also set the Item Unit Cost, Labor Unit Cost, and the Overhead Unit Cost for the item.
  • The Total Unit Cost is calculated based on the Return Quantity, Item Unit Cost, Labor Unit Cost and OH Unit Cost.
  • You can set the Absorb cost to on or off using the button switch. When absorb cost is off, the cost of semi finished product is deducted from the total cost of the Job Order.

SF Returns History

You can view the history of all the Semi Finished Goods return from the Job Order. This list can be used to track all the semi finished goods output returns for that Job Order.

You can change the Absorb Cost status from this screen using the switch button.

erp-manual/cloud/production/joborder/returnsf.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/29 06:00 by Varun Nagrecha