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Order Tasks


  • Tasks are used to manage the list of processes for the Job Order.
  • For every process a task is created, which contains all the details regarding the process like the worker to whom the process is assigned to, the materials used in the process, the output of the process etc.

Add Tasks

  • Click on the plus button in the task section. The Task popup is opened.


  • The Design ID and Design Name of the order are displayed.
  • Select BOM: The default BOM of the Job Order is automatically selected.

To add tasks from BOM click on the Generate BOM Tasks action button. The BOM tasks are added in the Process Plan section.

  • Process: The name of the Process is displayed.
  • Comment: Add comment for the task if required.
  • Est. Time: The estimated time for that process is shown. Estimated time can be edited if required.
  • Cost Formula: The cost formula set for that process is shown. The cost formula is set when the process is created in the BOM.
  • Action: You can delete the process by clicking on the Cross button in the action field.

To add task without BOM, click on the Add Record action button. A new entry is created in the Process Plan section.

  • Process: Select the name of the process from the dropdown list.
  • Comment: Add comment for the task if required.
  • Est. Time: Set the estimated time for the process.
  • Cost Formula: The cost formula is set to Time Based by default.
  • Action: You can delete the process by clicking on the Cross button in the action field.

Click on the Confirm action button to add the tasks.

Task List

The list of tasks added for the Job Order are displayed in the Order Tasks section.


The Tasks list shows some basic details about the tasks. A task entry is shown below.


  1. Task Name: The name of the task is shown at the top left in blue color. In this example, the task name is Setting.
  2. Task Status: The status of the task shown on the right of the Task Name.
  3. Qty: The quantity of the task is shown.
  4. On: The Start Date and End Date of the task are shown.
  5. Est: The Estimated time for the task is shown.
  6. Act: The Actual time taken to complete the task is shown.
  7. Worker name: The name of the Worker assigned to the task is shown at the bottom.
  8. Progress: The progress of the task is shown at the bottom right corner.

Task Manager

By clicking on a task from the Order Tasks list, the details of that task are displayed in the Task section on the right of the Order Tasks list.


At the top of the Task detail section, the Name of the Task is displayed along with the status of the task.
On the right of the Task Detail view are the action buttons. The different action buttons are listed below -

  • Delete Task: Clicking on this button deletes the task.
  • Approve Task: Clicking on this button approves the Task.
  • Reject Task: Clicking on this button approves the Task.
  • Issue Material: Use this button to Issue materials required for the task from inventory.
  • Return Material: Use this button to Return issued materials back to inventory.
  • Timesheet: Show the work duration of the task.
  • Hold: Pause the task or Job Order.
  • Recalculate Cost: Recalculate the cost for the task.

Below the action buttons, the task details are shown.

  • Worker: Select the worker assigned to the task from the dropdown list. The worker will be filled automatically in case of Outsourced task.
  • Is Outsourced: Select if the task is outsourced. By default, this switch button is set to off. Set the button to on for outsourcing the task. When this button is on, more details related to outsourcing become visible.
    • Have OH: Set if the task needs to include Overhead Cost or not. When this button is switched on, the Overhead cost is added to the task.
    • SO Status: Shows the status of the Service Order.
    • Create SO: Click on this button to generate request for creating Service Order. The request is sent to Pending Create SO page. From this page, the Service Order gets created. After the service order approved, the task is automatically approved.
    • Service Order: After the service order is created, the Service Order ID is displayed in this field.
  • Qty: The quantity of the material consumed.
  • Issued On: The date and time of material issue.
  • Return On: The date and time of the material return.
  • Working Hours: The total time taken to complete the process. Calculated from timesheet.
  • Process Cost: Total Labor cost for the task.
  • Resource Cost: The total cost of the materials used in the task.
  • OH Cost: Total Overhead Cost for the task.
  • Total Cost: The Total Cost of the task.
  • Input: Shows the input details like the quantity Issued, Returned, Consumed or Wasted.
  • Output: Shows the details of the output returned from the process.
  • Wastage: Shows the details of the Wastage of materials.
erp-manual/cloud/production/joborder/ordertasks.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/29 06:02 by Varun Nagrecha