After completing all processes, the finished product created should be added in the Output section for further processing.
The Finished Goods or Semi-Finished Goods can be added in output by clicking on the Add Output action button in the Output section.
Once the output is produced, it will under go QC.
After QC clears the output, system will update the order matrix for completed quantity and also create an inventory transaction to add the finished output detail in the inventory.
Output Plan
Output Plan shows the expected output of the Job Order.
Finished Goods: The Output Plan is set automatically.
Minimum Stock: The Output Plan is set automatically.
Repair: For Repair Goods there is no Output Plan.
Dismantle: The expected output can be added from Output Plan. You can add material using Add Stock from BOM action button and also add individual materials using the Add Material action button.
Multiple Item: The expected output can be added from Output Plan. You can add individuals materials using the Add Material action button. On selecting the item to add, the Item Editor popup is opened.
You can add the Required Quantity, Item Unit Cost, Labor Unit Cost, Overhead Unit Cost in the Item Editor screen.
erp-manual/cloud/production/joborder/expectedoutput.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/29 05:35 by Varun Nagrecha