Cost Card displays all the costs incurred in the processing of the Job Order. You can view the cost card by clicking on the Cost tab in Job Order Screen. When you go to the Cost tab, the cost of that Order is refreshed automatically and displayed in the cost card. You can use the Recalculate Cost button to calculate the cost.
There are different categories of costs in a Job Order. These categories are listed below -
You can view the Cost Card in the Cost tab. In the cost card, the data is displayed according to the cost categories. Only those categories are displayed which have any data. For example, the Wastage cost category will be displayed when there is material wastage in the Job Order.
Cost card shows the Type of cost, the Id of material, The Description of the cost entry, Consumption, Unit Cost and Total cost for each entry.
At the end of each cost category, the total for that category is shown.
And at the bottom the total for the Job Order is shown. the total section shows the completed quantity of the order, the Total Cost of the Job Order without reserve cost, the Reserve Cost for the Job Order and the Total Cost of the Job Order including Reserve.