Cancel and reissue the order if following is required:
Either Design / Target ID is changing
Order category is changing. example from Finished Goods to Repair order type
Only Cancel the order if following is required:
Order is no longer required
Cannot produce the required quantity and want to order the order after partial production is done. example order quantity is 10, but produced only 3 and then want to stop the order
Steps to cancel the order
Add comment in the order to explain the reason for cancellation
Return any materials received against this order back to stock
Delete the tasks that have not started
Return materials from the tasks that have started
Close any pending inventory transactions against the order. example: Request pending or return pending
Cancel the order
Cancel the order sheet if any
If order was cancelled because of change of Target Id, then reissue the order
Reissue the order sheet and order plan with the correct Target Id or correct Order Category
Reapprove the order
erp-manual/cloud/production/joborder/cancel-order.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/12 01:43 by Kalpesh Popat