Create Job Order
Header stores the general information related to the order. User can edit information like Order Category, Design Name Order Type, Quantity, Priority, Plan date and other information.
In the Job Order Screen, on the top is the Header View.
On the left side of the Header View, some of the Job Order Details are displayed. User can view all the other details of the Job Order by expanding the Header View using the Show More Details button.
The expanded view can reverted back using the same button.
On the right side of the Header View are the action buttons. The different action buttons are listed below -
Edit Order: This button opens the Edit Job Order Header popup. From this screen you can edit the Job Order details.
Approve Order: Clicking on this button approves the Job Order.
Reject Order: Clicking on this button rejects the Job Order.
Order Variation: User can add variations to the order using this button. Applicable only for finished goods
Hold/Resume: This buttons opens the Hold popup, for putting the Job Order on hold or to resume it.
Recalculate Cost: This button opens the Recalculate Cost popup, which can be used to recalculate the order cost.
Show More Details: This button is can be used to expand/shrink the Job Order Details Header.
Search Order: This buttons redirects to the Job Order Search Screen.
Note: When the Job Order is linked to an Order Sheet, the Approve and Reject buttons will not be visible on the Job Order Screen. In such case, the approval of Job Order needs to be done from the Order Sheet Screen.
When the Job Order is linked to an Order Sheet, the Approve and Reject buttons will not be visible on the Job Order Screen. In such case, the approval of Job Order needs to be done from the Order Sheet Screen.
Step 1: Click edit Header. System will open a popup to edit the information of the header. The user can use this screen to edit the Job Order details as per requirement.
Order Category: Select the type of order for that Job Order.
Target item: Click + button and select the target item. This will open search screen for users to search and select the item to add. Based on the Order Category selected, target item list is displayed -
Finished Goods: For finished goods, add Design item.
Minimum Stock: For minimum stock, add inventory item.
Dismantle: For dismantle, add batch from design inventory.
Repair: For repair, add batch from design inventory.
Multiple item: No need to add target item
Quantity: Fill the order quantity.
Req Date: Select the required by date with the date picker.
Plan Start Date: Select the planned start date for the Job Order with the date picker.
Plan Finish Date: Select the planned finish date for the Job Order with the date picker.
BOM: The Bill Of Material is selected automatically when Item is selected.
Order Type: Select the type of order from the dropdown list.
Customer: If Customer is specified for that order, select Customer from dropdown list.
Budget: Set the budget for the Job Order.
Reserve: Reserve is for extra costs incurred in the Job Order like Marketing costs, Delivery costs etc. The default value for reserve is already set and be changed by selecting from dropdown list.
Priority: Select the priority for the order from the slider. The default priority is set to 'B'.
Queue: Set the order for different Job Orders by setting queue value accordingly.
Comments: Add Comments as required.
Special Instructions: Add Special Instructions for the order as required.
Controller: Select the person who is incharge of the Job Order.
Step 2: After the information that is required is keyed in, click on the Confirm button to close the popup.
Whenever the textbox are green in colour, it means that particular textbox is an autocomplete textbox i.e. user can make a selection by entering some text and choosing from among a list of options.
Cancel Order
The Order can be canceled by clicking on the arrow button next to the Order Status and click on Cancel Order.
The Confirm Action popup is opened. Click on Yes, Proceed to cancel the Order.
Order can be canceled only when the following conditions are fulfilled -
All tasks should be closed
All pending materials and finished goods are returned back
The completed output quantity should be less then the expected output quantity.
Close Order
After completion of all the processes, the order can be closed by clicking on the arrow button next to the Order Status and click on Close Order.
The Confirm Action popup is opened. Click on Yes, Proceed to close the Order.
The Order will be closed automatically for Orders with output enabled.
The Order can be closed only when the following conditions are fulfilled -
All tasks should be closed
All pending materials and finished goods are returned back
The completed output quantity should be less then the expected output quantity.
When the returned material or finished goods is well received
Close Order Sheet
After all Job Orders in an Order sheet are closed, the Order sheet can be closed by clicking on the arrow button next to the Status and click on Mark Closed.
The Confirm Action popup is opened. Click on Yes, Proceed to close the Order Sheet.