
Create Job Order


Header stores the general information related to the order. User can edit information like Order Category, Design Name Order Type, Quantity, Priority, Plan date and other information.


Header View

In the Job Order Screen, on the top is the Header View.


On the left side of the Header View, some of the Job Order Details are displayed. User can view all the other details of the Job Order by expanding the Header View using the Show More Details button. The expanded view can reverted back using the same button.


On the right side of the Header View are the action buttons. The different action buttons are listed below -

Note: When the Job Order is linked to an Order Sheet, the Approve and Reject buttons will not be visible on the Job Order Screen. In such case, the approval of Job Order needs to be done from the Order Sheet Screen.

When the Job Order is linked to an Order Sheet, the Approve and Reject buttons will not be visible on the Job Order Screen. In such case, the approval of Job Order needs to be done from the Order Sheet Screen.

Header Edit

Step 1: Click edit Header. System will open a popup to edit the information of the header. The user can use this screen to edit the Job Order details as per requirement.


Step 2: After the information that is required is keyed in, click on the Confirm button to close the popup.

Whenever the textbox are green in colour, it means that particular textbox is an autocomplete textbox i.e. user can make a selection by entering some text and choosing from among a list of options.

Cancel Order

  1. The Order can be canceled by clicking on the arrow button next to the Order Status and click on Cancel Order.
  2. The Confirm Action popup is opened. Click on Yes, Proceed to cancel the Order.


Order can be canceled only when the following conditions are fulfilled -

Close Order

  1. After completion of all the processes, the order can be closed by clicking on the arrow button next to the Order Status and click on Close Order.
  2. The Confirm Action popup is opened. Click on Yes, Proceed to close the Order.


The Order will be closed automatically for Orders with output enabled.
The Order can be closed only when the following conditions are fulfilled -

Close Order Sheet

  1. After all Job Orders in an Order sheet are closed, the Order sheet can be closed by clicking on the arrow button next to the Status and click on Mark Closed.
  2. The Confirm Action popup is opened. Click on Yes, Proceed to close the Order Sheet.
