====== Workflow ====== ===== Overview ====== Add / Edit workflows for all the screens in the system. ===== Add/Edit Workflow ===== {{ erp-manual:cloud:settings:workflowsearch.png?500 }} * Select the document type which needs to be edited and click on Get Workflow. To select the document type press Shift + * and then the document type can be seen in the drop down list. {{ erp-manual:cloud:settings:workflowfull.png?500 }} * In the workflow activity details section, if pressed "Add Activity Record". The Activity Name, On Approval, On Reject, Activity Condition needs to be filled. * To edit "Activity Condition" press "view / edit". A popup opens and three conditions are added over there and comments to how to fill the conditions are added in the grey area. When done press Save Worklow and the workflow is saved. {{ erp-manual:cloud:settings:activitycondition.png?500 }}