Category Management
This screen shows the categories added in the system and their details.
Category management consists of two parts -
Category Master: Category Master shows the list of categories in the system
Category Details: Category Details shows the list of choices for all the categories. The user can add/edit category details from this screen.
Add Category Detail
Category detail can be added using following steps:
In Category Master Tab click on + button in the Add Choice column of the Category for which choice is to be added. A popup is opened.
Provide name of the choice, Nick Name, Category Code, Parent, Group Code, Style Attribute and Sort No
After the information that is required is keyed in, click on the Confirm button to close the popup.
Note: Category Details cannot be added for categories that are marked ReadOnly.
Edit Category Detail
Category detail can be edited using following steps:
In Category Details Tab click on edit button in the Edit Choice column of the choice that is to edited. A popup is opened.
Provide name of the choice, Nick Name, Category Code, Parent, Group Code, Style Attribute and Sort No
After the information that is required is keyed in, click on the Confirm button to close the popup.
Remove Category Detail
Category detail can be remove using following steps:
In Category Details Tab click on edit button in the Edit Choice column of the choice that is to removed. A popup is opened.
Close the Is Active button to set the category detail as Inactive.
Click on the Confirm button to close the popup.
The user will not be able to use the choices that are set Inactive.