====== Create New Dispatch ====== ===== Start ===== * ** For Full Dispatch: **Click on Sales Order Menu and then open the Sales Order for which Dispatch has to be created. Click on Document Actions and click on Dispatch. * **For Partial Dispatch: ** Click on Dispatch Menu and then click on Create New button, and then follow steps under Add/Edit Line Item section ===== Components of Dispatch ===== * Header * Line Items * Additional Info * Payment Terms * Summary * Save Document * Attachment * Comments ===== Header ===== {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:sales:dispatchheaderview.png?400}} Header Details are automatically added from Sales Order. You can edit them as required. **Step 1:** Click edit Header. System will open a popup to edit the information of the header. following information is required: * **Customer Name**: Select the customer for the item. * **Currency**: Provide the currency of the purchase, by default system will show local currency * **Required On**: Specify the date by when the items are to be delivered, this will help to make priority to complete your delivery * **Dispatch Incharge** or **Requested by**: This is the person who will complete the dispatch, by default system will set the name of the person creating the dispatch. * **Delivery Name**: Select the delivery person, if Delivery Name is different than Billing Name * **Delivery Address**: Select the delivery address, if Delivery Address is different than Billing Address * **Comments**: Any comments that will help make the delivery. {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:sales:dispatchheaderedit.png?400}} **Step 2**: After the information that is required is keyed in, click on the Confirm button to close the popup. ===== Add / Edit Line Items ===== * Line Items are automatically added from Purchase Order. You can edit them as required. **Step 1:** Add line item: In Line item section, there are following option to add new item: * **Scan Barcode or QR code** to add item. * Provide the **Item Id** in the box mentioned "Barcode / Id..." and then click the + button to add the item. * Click **+ button directly**, this will **open search screen** for users to search and select the item to add. {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:sales:dispatchlineitemview.png?400}} **Step 2:** Provide item details: After the item is added, you can click on Edit button for that item, system will open a popup, and users can provide the following details: * Quantity, Cost, Discount, Tax * Comments, Reference Code, etc. * After editing is done, click **Confirm** to close the popup. {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:sales:dispatchlineitemedit.png?400}} **Step 3:** Provide Cost Breakup. Click on Action button "..." to open menu specific to the item and select the option "Cost Breakup", a popup will open to provide budget details, and users can provide the following details: * Click Add Record to add Cost, specify Purpose, Cost amount, comment. * Repeat the above step for each additional cost * After cost is provided, click Confirm to close the popup **Step 4:** Provide Tax Breakup. Click on Action button "..." to open menu specific to the item and select the option "Tax Breakup", a popup will open to select tax template, and users can provide the following details: * Select the tax template that is applicable for that item. * System will auto calculate the tax breakup and show it on the screen * Instead of coming to the Tax Breakup popup, users can also select the Tax Template directly from the Line Item Edit screen. Repeat the Step 1, 2, 3 and 4 for each item to be added in the Line Item ===== Payment Terms ===== **Step 1:** Click edit Terms. System will open a popup to edit the information of the terms. following information is required: * Payment date, Credit Days, Payment Terms and Mode of Payment * After editing is done, click **Confirm** to close the popup. {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:sales:dispatchterms.png?400}} ===== Summary ===== This section will show the following key information * Values: Total value of the transaction, including tax, discount, total payable * Transaction References: Document ID, Document Code, Document Date, Currency, Budget Used, any other Reference Document that this transaction refers to * Status of the document {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:sales:dispatchsummary.png?400}} ===== Save the Document ===== After all changes are done, it is necessary to Save the Document, by clicking the button "Save Document", If this is new Document, system will assign the Document ID and Code after it is saved for the first time. ===== Attachments ===== Note: Attachments can be added only after document is saved. **Step 1:** After the document is saved, click on Add button in the Attachment section. This will open a popup for file selection. Users can select the file to attach or drag and drop the file on the popup {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:attachment.png?300}} **Step 2:** Click confirm to close the popup Note: At a time only one attachment can be uploaded. ===== Comments ===== Note: Comments can be added at any time, even if the document status is pending or closed. To add comment click on Add button and provide the comment in the popup. {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:comments.png?300}} Note: User can edit only their own comment, eg: User A cannot change comment of User B