===== Purchase Module ===== This section of the manual will train you to execute following screens related to purchasing: ^ Screen ^ Purpose ^ | [[erp-manual:cloud:purchase:purchase-request|Purchase Request]] | The requestor will issue a purchase request in the system to notify the purchase department of what they need. | | [[erp-manual:cloud:purchase:purchase-order|Purchase Order]] | Purchase department will issue purchase order in the system, this document will be submitted to Vendor.| | [[erp-manual:cloud:purchase:vendor-invoice|Vendor Invoice]] | Once the purchase is finish, record the invoice received from the supplier for further accounting of Account Payable. | | [[erp-manual:cloud:purchase:vendor-payment|Vendor Payment]] | Register payment against the vendor invoice to clear the outstanding. | | [[erp-manual:cloud:purchase:purchase-receipt|Receive from Vendor]] | After material from vendor is received, record it in the system for inventory and quality control purpose, without this step you will not be able to see the purchase item in the inventory. | | [[erp-manual:cloud:purchase:receipt-qc|QC for Purchased Item]] | QC is to ensure the received item is according to the standards and expectation. | ^ Link ^ Special Scenario ^ | [[erp-manual:cloud:purchase:budget-breakup|How to Set Budget]] | The requestor will need to provide the details needed for accounting - mainly budget code and cost center, in Purchase Request, Purchase Order and Service Order. | | [[erp-manual:cloud:purchase:po-scenario|Advance Scenarios for Purchase Order]] | In this section different ways to create Purchase Order are listed: \\ - Create one PO for multiple PR for all items \\ - Create one PO for multiple PR for selected items | | [[erp-manual:cloud:purchase:invoice-scenario|Advance Scenarios for Vendor Invoice]] | In this section different ways to create Vendor Invoice are listed: \\ - Create one Invoice for multiple PO for all items \\ - Create one Invoice for multiple PO for selected items | | [[erp-manual:cloud:purchase:check-payment|How to check payment made in odoo]] | This section shows how to View payment status of Invoice and how to view recent payments against the Supplier of the Invoice. |