Table of Contents

Create New Material QC


Components of Material QC



Header Details are automatically added from Receipt - Vendor. You can edit them as required.

Step 1: Click edit Header. System will open a popup to edit the information of the header. following information can be added:


Step 2: After the information that is required is keyed in, click on the Confirm button to close the popup.

QC Activity


Line Items are automatically added from Receipt - Vendor. Click on an Item to view QC detail of that item.

To remove an item from QC, click on the Item. In the Analysis section, click on Delete.

Follow the below steps to complete the QC process:

Step 1: Start QC: In Header section, click on Start QC

Step 2: QC Process: After QC started, use the following steps:

1. Select the Item for QC. Item details will appear which comprise of Analysis and Check List Parameters.


2. In Check List Parameters section, set passed and failed quantities for all the parameters.


3. Analysis section:


Repeat the above steps to complete QC for all the items.

Step 3: Finish QC: After Qc of all items is finished, click on QC Finished in the QC Activity Section.


The following information is required for Audit:



Save the Document

After all changes are done, it is necessary to Save the Document, by clicking the button “Save Document”, If this is new Document, system will assign the Document ID after it is saved for the first time.