====== Budget Breakup ====== ===== Start ===== * In Line Items section, click on Action button "..." to open menu specific to the item and select the option "Budget Breakup", a popup will open to provide budget details ===== How to set single Budget Code ===== - Click Add Record to add Budget, specify Budget Code, Cost Center, and percent of total value to allocate to this budget. - For Budget breakup with single Budget Code, set Percent as 100. - After all budget is provided, click Confirm to close the popup ===== How to set multiple Budget Codes ===== - Click Add Record to add Budget, specify Budget Code, Cost Center, and percent of total value to allocate to this budget. - Repeat step 1 for each budget code - Total percent of all rows cannot exceed 100 percent - After all budget is provided, click Confirm to close the popup