Process Master
In the Process Master screen you can add details about the process like the type of process, process name, add costing details etc.
Components of Process Master
Process Header
Process Costing
The Process Header shows the details of the process like the Process Id, Type of process, Process Name, Worker Category etc.
Step 1: To edit the Process Header, click the Edit Header action button. A popup is opened.
Process ID: The Id of the Process is generated automatically.
Type: Select the Process Type from the dropdown list.
Worker Category: Select the Worker category applicable for the process from the dropdown list.
Process Name: Set the name of the process.
Process Code: Give a process code for the process, if required.
Nick Name: Give a Nickname for the process, if required.
Require Mat: Set the switch button on, if the process requires materials.
Ref No: Set the reference no, if necessary.
Is Inhouse: Set if the process is an Inhouse process or not.
Active: Set the process as Active by setting the switch button on.
Remark: Add remarks, if necessary.
Step 2: After the information that is required is keyed in, click on the Confirm button to close the popup.
Process Costing
Process Costing shows the costing details for the process.
Step 1: To add costing for the process, click on the + button in the Process Costing section. A popup is opened.
Price Type: The Price Type is automatically selected as Time Based. To change the Price Type, select the type from the dropdown list.
Labor Cost: Set the Unit Labor Cost for the process.
Overhead Cost: Set the Unit Overhead Cost for the process.
Unit: The Unit for Time Based type is set to hr.
Currency: Change the currency from the dropdown list, if required.
Remarks: Add Remarks, if necessary.
Step 2: After the information that is required is keyed in, click on the Confirm button to close the popup.