=====Process Master===== ====Overview==== In the Process Master screen you can add details about the process like the type of process, process name, add costing details etc. ===== Start ===== * Click on Process Master Menu and then click on Create New button ===== Components of Process Master ===== * Process Header * Process Costing ====Process Header==== The Process Header shows the details of the process like the Process Id, Type of process, Process Name, Worker Category etc. {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:production:processfullscreen.png?650}} **Step 1**: To edit the Process Header, click the Edit Header action button. A popup is opened. {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:production:processheaderedit.png?400}} * **Process ID**: The Id of the Process is generated automatically. * **Type**: Select the Process Type from the dropdown list. * **Worker Category**: Select the Worker category applicable for the process from the dropdown list. * **Process Name**: Set the name of the process. * **Process Code**: Give a process code for the process, if required. * **Nick Name**: Give a Nickname for the process, if required. * **Require Mat**: Set the switch button on, if the process requires materials. * **Ref No**: Set the reference no, if necessary. * **Is Inhouse**: Set if the process is an Inhouse process or not. * **Active**: Set the process as Active by setting the switch button on. * **Remark**: Add remarks, if necessary. **Step 2**: After the information that is required is keyed in, click on the Confirm button to close the popup. ====Process Costing==== Process Costing shows the costing details for the process. **Step 1**: To add costing for the process, click on the + button in the Process Costing section. A popup is opened. {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:production:processcosting.png?400}} * **Price Type**: The Price Type is automatically selected as Time Based. To change the Price Type, select the type from the dropdown list. * **Labor Cost**: Set the Unit Labor Cost for the process. * **Overhead Cost**: Set the Unit Overhead Cost for the process. * **Unit**: The Unit for Time Based type is set to hr. * **Currency**: Change the currency from the dropdown list, if required. * **Remarks**: Add Remarks, if necessary. **Step 2**: After the information that is required is keyed in, click on the Confirm button to close the popup.