======Order Output====== =====Overview===== After an output is returned from Job Order, it goes to FG Output for the receiver to manage the output. ===== Start ===== Click on Job Order Menu. Open the Job Order and click on Output tab. Click on Return Output button. ===== Header ===== Header Details are automatically added from Job Order. Header details can be edited using the following steps: **Step 1:** Click edit Header. System will open a popup to edit the information of the header. following information can be added: * **Currency**: Provide the currency of the order, by default system will show local currency * **JO No**: Specify the Job Order no. * **JO Closed on**: Specify the Job order closing date * **Comments**: Any comments regarding the Service Order. {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:production:fgoutputheader.png?400}} **Step 2**: After the information that is required is keyed in, click on the Confirm button to close the popup. ===== Line Items ===== Line Items are automatically added from JO. {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:production:fgoutputlineitems.png?400}} ===== Payment Terms ===== To Edit Payment Terms, click edit Terms. System will open a popup to edit the information of the terms. following information is required: * Payment date, Credit Days, Payment Terms and Mode of Payment * After editing is done, click **Confirm** to close the popup. ===== Summary ===== This section will show the following key information * Values: Total value of the transaction, including tax, discount, total payable * Transaction References: Document ID, Document Code, Document Date, Currency, Budget Used, any other Reference Document that this transaction refers to * Status of the document {{popuperp-manual:cloud:attachment.png?300}} **Step 2:** Click confirm to close the popup Note: At a time only one attachment can be uploaded. ===== Comments ===== Note: Comments can be added at any time, even if the document status is pending or closed. To add comment click on Add button and provide the comment in the popup. {{popup>erp-manual:cloud:comments.png?300}} Note: User can edit only their own comment, eg: User A cannot change comment of User B