===== Finished Goods Warehouse Management ===== This section of the manual will train you to execute following screens related to finished goods warehouse: ^ Screen ^ Purpose ^ | [[erp-manual:cloud:fgwarehouse:receipt-consignment|Receipt Consignment]] | Receive finished goods from vendor and record it in the system for inventory. | | [[erp-manual:cloud:fgwarehouse:direct-transfer|Direct Transfer]] | Transfer Stock from one location to another| | [[erp-manual:cloud:fgwarehouse:transfer-out|Transfer Out]] | Send the stock to be transferred from the Source Location to Transit. | | [[erp-manual:cloud:fgwarehouse:transfer-in|Transfer In]] | Receive the stock from Transit to the Destination Location. | | [[erp-manual:cloud:fgwarehouse:inventory-adjustment|Inventory Adjustment]] | Can be used to increment or decrement material quantity. | | [[erp-manual:cloud:fgwarehouse:discard|Discard]] | Write off quantity of material that is destroyed or expired | | [[erp-manual:cloud:fgwarehouse:comsignment-return|Consignment Return]] | Return material back to the vendor. |